Friday, September 14, 2012

Rupanya Di Masir Pun Ada Cubaan Penyamaran Adegan Seks Profil Tinggi

Saddam lookalike Mohamed Bishr caught in porn plot

  • Saddam Hussein's doppelganger

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and inset, his Egyptian doppelganger, Mohamed Bishr. Picture: AFP Source: Supplied
AN Egyptian man who bears a remarkable resemblance to the late Saddam Hussein claims that an Iraqi gang tried to kidnap him and force him to make a pornographic film impersonating the Iraqi leader.
Mohamed Bishr said that the group planned to market the erotic film as exclusive footage of the late Iraqi dictator in flagrante.
Mr Bishr, from the port city of Alexandria on Egypt's Mediterranean coast, said that the gang beat him badly after he refused to cooperate with their scheme.
His family told the Egyptian daily newspaper Al-Ahram that he had been propositioned by a group of unidentified men who spoke with either Iraqi or Syrian accents. They had offered him $US333,000 to appear in the film playing the role of Saddam, who was executed in a Baghdad jail in December 2006.
The pater familias, a devout Muslim, refused the offer but subsequently received threatening telephone calls warning him that he would be kidnapped if he did not change his mind. The family said that the gang wanted to sell the tape to the international media as genuine footage of the Iraqi dictator, who was known to keep doubles of himself in his entourage to confound assassination attempts.

Mr Bishr was attacked last weekend as he was heading to a cafe in Alexandria. Three men in black suits leapt out of a van and tried to force him into the back of the vehicle.
"The three men, who had guns hanging from their belts, forced me out of my car and shoved me into a van, hitting my head," Mr Bishr told the Arabic-language newspaper from his hospital bed. Passers-by in the busy street gathered around the scene of the attempted abduction but were too afraid to intervene, he said. The last thing he recalled was the kidnappers shouting at each other before throwing him from the van to the pavement, where he hit his head.
Such is the resemblance between the Egyptian and the former Iraqi leader that he has been assaulted in the past by other Iraqis living in Egypt, who had apparently mistaken him for their toppled overlord and tried to turn him in for a reward. The dictator's doppelganger has been forced to move four times to avoid such harassment, his sons said.
"We asked the police to put special protection on our father because this has happened to us several times," his son Mahmoud said.

Catitan Sut:

Saya pernah mencatitkan tentang The Three Stooges yang cuba dilakunkan semula di Holywood di blog ini suatu masa dahulu, serta saya percaya kepada kemampuan kepakaran negara kita untuk melakukan  perkara yang seumpamanya berbekalkan slogan "Malaysia Boleh".

Ketika ini dunia heboh membincangkan seorang yang sebelum ini adalah manusia biasa-biasa yang tinggal di Iskandariyyah, Masir, bernama Muhammed Bishr. Luar-biasanya Muhammed Bishr hanyalah kerana raut-wajahnya menyerupai Saddam Husein, dia bukan setakat mahu diupah untuk berlakun sebagai Saddam Husein dalam adegan seks, bahkan keselamatannya kini terancam kerana keenggangan nya untuk berkerjasama dalam pembikinan  filem lucah tersebut.

Dahsyat sungguh, konspirator yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk memburukkan Saddam Husein. sehingga sebegitu. Walaupun Saddam sudah lama dibunuh.Adakah kes  yang kecoh di tanahair suatu masa dahulu itu serupa jalan skripnya dengan apa yang cuba dipaksakan ke atas Muhammed Bishr?

Adakah kita ke depan dalam soal sebegini?. Apakah konspirator di tempat kita lebih canggih strukturnya dan perancangannya dari yang di Masir?. Apakah Dan Brown akan mendapat idea untuk menulis novel best seller yang kemudiannya menjadi filem block-buster, mungkin dengan tajuk "The Actor & The Director Codes' dari peristiwa seumpama ini?

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