Friday, September 7, 2012

When The Liberalists Fear The Islamist

The weakness of non-Islamists: a disaster to Egypt
This article argues that the lack of strong non-Islamist forces is not good for the future of democracy in Egypt. It might lead to the Islamists’ domination of Egyptian politics for the coming few years. 
By Said Shehata  (al-Ahram) Sunday 2 Sep 2012

Non-Islamist political forces are showing signs of being troubled by Islamists' domination - and this monopoly could be harmful for Egypt. This needs urgent action by non-Islamist forces to avoid the uncertain future of democracy in Egypt. If this does not happen soon, it will be more difficult to tackle this unhealthy political environment in the future and then put the country on the path of democracy and prosperity.

I argued more than eight years ago that although the Muslim Brotherhood was the most organised group, it was not the most popular group and pointed out that their share of votes did not exceed 20 per cent of voters in any elections.

The recent parliamentary and presidential elections proved they are not the most popular group. However, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists control almost all key positions in Egyptian politics.

The main reason for Islamists' domination is the weakness of non-Islamist political forces. In most democratic countries, such as those of the European Union, the presence of strong, different political forces is the safeguard for democracy.

In Egypt, there is a big problem where non-Islamists are divided and they lack vision to deal with the current situation. For example their call for huge anti-Brotherhood, anti-Morsi demonstrations on 24 August failed to make a dent. Only thousands out of a city of 22 million participated in that demonstration and I called it the "demonstration without demonstrators" after the book Democracy without Democrats. Many joked – including Islamists - about this demonstration because of the low turnout.

There was no coordination before calling for this demonstration. It would have been better for those forces to organise themselves and reach out to people in all corners of Egypt to prepare for the coming parliamentary elections.

One cannot change the fact that the Egyptian president is Islamist. So the practical reaction of the non-Islamist political forces to Islamist’s domination should be to strengthen their grassroots base in order to be ready for the coming elections rather than calling for demonstrations. There is nothing wrong with demonstrating, but this needs to be well-prepared and well-organised - otherwise it is an embarrassment.

In addition, this stage requires actions on the ground more than shouting and protesting. Those forces need to be smart to achieve their goals and avoid the Islamisation of Egypt.

Furthermore, if those forces are weak and divided, Islamists will take advantage and lead Egypt down their path. Islamists do need other forces to build a prosperous and democratic country. It is a responsibility of the non-Islamist camps to get over their divisions and become a real force on the Egyptian political scene.

Egyptians are unwilling to have another authoritarian regime. Those forces must work with Islamists to build Egypt in this critical moment of our history. They should put pressure on Islamists though their strong political activities. Islamists must take those forces seriously.

This will only happen when those forces put Egypt before their narrow political gains and when they have a clear vision and coordination amongst their forces. It is a golden chance for Egypt to be a regional power in the Middle East. Building a strong Egypt through active and effective political forces, especially the non-Islamist ones, will enable Egypt to regain its historical position in the region.

Catitan Sut:

Tulisan di atas mempamirkan 'real political game'. Kumpulan berkecenderungan Islam/Islamist mesti dihalang dari berkuasa sepenuhnya. Bukan kerana mereka korup, bukan kerana pencapaian mereka teruk, tetapi kerana mereka Islamist. Kerana mereka Islamist, maka pihak anti-Islamist mesti mengkoordinasi gerak-kerja mereka secara cekap demi menghalang dominasi puak Islamist. Masir akan binasa sekiranya kumpulan Islamist terus berkuasa. Masa hadapan Masir yang gemilang, pengaruh Masir yang berkembang terletak pada tangan-tangan puak anti-Islamist.

Ini cerita di Masir yang secara resminya rakyat lebih daripada 80% beragama Islam , Universiti al-Azhar berada di situ, ianya bumi kinanah. Begitupun ianya juga bumi Fir'aun dan Qarun. Kumpulan anti-Islamist bimbang yang kelompok Islamist dapat menyakinkan rakyat, dapat bergerak secara effective di kalangan rakyat. Kumpulan anti-Islamist di Masir sedar yang Ikhwan mempunyai organisasi yang relatifnya kemas, jaringan di kalangan rakyatnya mantap. Organisasi ini terus hidup walaupun puluhan tahun diharamkan secara undang-undang di Masir. Organisasi ini terus hidup walaupun pemimpin mereka dipenjara, bahkan ada yang dibunuh.

Kumpulan anti-Islamist risau yang kelompok Islamist dapat memainkan sentimen rakyat yang rata-ratanya beragama Islam, mereka bimbang yang kelompok Islamist dapat mentadbir negara dengan lebih cekap dan berjaya. Mereka bimbang kebajikan rakyat akan diutamakan oleh Islamist. Maka masa depan politik mereka semakin malap dan semakin tidak relevan.

Bagaimana pula kelompok Islamist di tempat kita, selain dari slogan dan sentimen Islam, apakah mereka juga menunjukkan kecemerlangan dalam urus-tadbir negeri, mereka bersih dari segi rasuah dan salahguna kuasa? Mereka lebih menitikkan berat-kan kebajikan rakyat?

Apakah gerak-kerja mereka lebih tersusun , jaringan mereka lebih meluas, sokongan rakyat kepada pegangan mereka semakin meningkat? Mereka dilihat mengambil tindakan yang praktikal untuk membantu rakyat, bukan dengan slogan dan ceramah semata-mata. Mereka 'walk the talks' bahkan mereka 'talk the walks'. Itulah yang rakyat sebenarnya nanti-nantikan.

Kemenangan nantinya akan menjadi rahmat bukan penyesalan; rekod mereka menjadi kebanggaan kepada yang datang selepas mereka. Mereka menang bukan kerana kelemahan lawan tetapi kerana kekuatan mereka.

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